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Preschool Class


Online support package

Our online support package is specifically designed to assist early childhood educators to plan quality programs which enhance children's social and emotional development.  Educators can work through the package at their own pace and revisit modules and materials. 

Watch our brief introductory video and find out how ASELS online package can help you create a quality SEL program.

ASELS online package key inclusions:

Professional development series

A comprehensive online series of 9 modules



Reflection and action activities

Professional toolbox

Related articles


Resource hub

Supports quality program planning

Easy navigation
Snapshots of best practice
Suggested activities
Evidence-based SEL teaching practices
Printable resources


Supports educational teams through the completion of reflection and action activities

Multiple options:
Fillable PDF

*Extra cost of $50

Cost of ASELS online package: $1000 

Business meeting

ASELS face-to-face sessions

We offer the following face-to-face professional development sessions:

Supporting children through anxiety

This 2 hour session explores anxiety and separation anxiety.


At the end of this session, educators will have a deeper understanding of anxiety and will have developed an action plan of strategies, resources and modification to support children with anxiety.

managing challenging behaviour

This 2 hour session explores what's really behind challenging behaviours.

At the end of the session, educators will have an understanding of the functions of children's behaviour and will have an action plan of strategies and resources to promote positive behaviour. 

SEL in the early years

This 1 hour session explores social emotional learning.

At the end of the session, educators will have an understanding of SEL, it's importance and role in ECEC and will have created a list of SEL intentional teaching practices.​

ASELS orientation session

This 1 hour session explores SEL and is an introduction to ASELS.


At the end of this session, educators will have a strong rationale for targeting SEL, they will have considered SEL teaching practices and will be aware of how ASELS (online) can support program planning.

half day workshop

This 3.5 hour workshop explores SEL, anxiety and behaviour.

At the end of the collaborative workshop, educators will have an understanding of how SEL can support children in managing anxiety and behaviour and will have an action plan of strategies, resources and modifications. 

Parent session

This 1 hour session is designed for children's parents/guardians.

At the end of the session, caregivers will have an understanding of SEL, it's importance and role in children's learning, development and life outcomes.​

Cost of ASELS face-to-face sessions: $300 p/hr* (each centre)

*Travel costs may be charged if centre is over 100kms outside of touring city.

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